I spent 4 days with Gary and Luke Edwin last week. Had my lesson which i will post up the differences from Day 1 to 4 just for a laugh.

I also watched them teach a few other guys during the week and what really struck me was how important setup was and the direction of the initial turn is, whether you are right sided like me or left sided or whatever pattern.

I honestly cant tell you how important it is - They turn up and went from ok to awesome just by changing those two things. Had a tour pro's come is as well. Luke shared some videos showing bits and pieces for comparison.. it was eye opening, like proper, adult, "thats it" kind of stuff.

So if your struggling with impact.. get those two right first and the rest seems a lot easier.

And for the record.. took two days for me to get it 70% sorted, just that boring setup and takeaway !!